Same shit, different day. Sometimes I get some different shit on the same day.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Christmas time, mistletoe and overeating
Another crimbo passes and this years highlights were: The Office Christmas specials, Big 'un after being utterly overwhelmed with presents saying "I'm still a little bit sad and upset that I didn't get everything on my list" (we pointed out that he did, but that didn't change his mind), Little'un being more interested in Big'uns He-man action figures than his own baby toys so much so that he has been taking them everywhere resulting in He-man already being missing in action (possibly in a pub/restaurant in Basildon), and the M-I-L trying once again to feed us all to death (she is Mrs Doyle from Father Ted).
Crimbo eve was spent at my parents (see Thu Aug 14, 08:08:06 AM for more details of my dysfunctional family) which was the normal cold buffet and boredom. My stepmum is in a wheelchair due to MS. This my seem a bit harsh but being in wheelchair and severely crippled does not automatically make her a nice person, she is very demanding and makes my dads already difficult life harder by getting at him all the time and criticising when he has to do everything for her. As we were eating the cold buffet she says "Michael pass me one of those mini-pastie things will you" I passed it over "mmnn these were lovely when they were hot" she says, which makes me think why the fuck are we having it all cold then?.

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