Same shit, different day. Sometimes I get some different shit on the same day.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Breaking news update flash.
Buzz came back to work last monday and on the tuesday he went sick again. This week he is supposed to be on a course (the one I volunteered him for that nobody wanted) and as far as I know he has gone. He's due back here on thursday. We shall see.

I finally got Big'uns fish tank set up (sans fish), he got this for his birthday at the start of Sept and the pressure is on to get the fish in on saturday as he is having some school chums round as a belated birthday party ( they're going bowling first). Hopefully some of the fish will survive long enough for his friends to see.

I've had to slum it on the train today. I went to renew my bike tax yesterday and found out that my MOT had expired last week. DOH! at least the pesky scooters won't be able to annoy me for a few days.

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