Same shit, different day. Sometimes I get some different shit on the same day.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Crimbo round up

this Christmas I,
  • spent a huge amount of money on stuff for the kids, most of which they have barely shown an interest in . There's a lesson to be learnt there.
  • spent a huge amount of time visiting the out-laws
  • ate a huge amount of food, mainly whilst visiting the out-laws.
  • drank 2 bottles of Becks. That's all. Must try harder in future.
  • failed to receive Star Wars EPIII on DVD as a present. I bought it myself yesterday, Asda £9.97, bargain!
  • bought Wifey the same book that she had bought me. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
  • spent approximately 3hrs with my parents. Must try harder to reduce this next year.
  • failed to see the Harry Potter film
  • managed to see King Kong though.
  • spent 3 days at home looking after the kids being a house husband while Wifey was at work.

All in all not a bad crimbo, mostly boring family type stuff. Sadly the Gasman has apparently not been given any shirts for christmas.

I'm currently slumming it on the train as it has been snowing and snow and 2 wheels don't mix well.

Back to "normality" next week when I shall be ranting about Mondeo Man who lives opposite me and his extremely selfish parking habits.

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