Same shit, different day. Sometimes I get some different shit on the same day.

Friday, October 31, 2003

Your limbs belong to me
Kill Bill is great. I love the explicit violence of Tarantino's film and the use of Sword play rather than gun play makes it all the more personal.
Although I don't find Uma Thurman particularly attractive (bit too skinny for my tastes) she looks very good in this and she plays the action scenes superbly.
The fights are choreographed by Yuen Wo Ping who also did Crouching tiger Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey and the Matrix films amongst many others.
Now I love Gore films and Kill Bill delivers bucket loads. Since having Kids I rarely get to see gruesome films at home so this aspect of the film really got me going. My friend Mark who lives in Hong Kong once sent me some uncut horror films banned in the UK, all I actually got was a nice letter from Customs telling me the films had been intercepted and confiscated.
Quentin Tarantino is well known to be the uber film geek who uses little known film to inspire (read rip off) him and HK Flix has guide to the films that "inspired" Kill bill

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